Leeann Stephenson
Chief Of Staff
Leeann's career has always been about helping others out. Regardless of her position, she wants to dig in, know the business, and help wherever possible. Executives are coming into town, and a presentation must be put together quickly. She's there. Is the bathroom out of toilet paper? She'll find you some. She loves to laugh. Whether it's with her or at her, you'll be her friend for life. The beach is her happy place, toes in the sand, and beer in hand is her life's motto. "In all seriousness, life is about memories because, in the end, that is what you try to hold on to," says Leeann. "So always make them good ones. If you're in the middle of something that could be a bad memory, change it and try to find a way to make it a good memory. And always try to out-love your partner. I promise you that it will make your relationship so much fun!" One last piece of advice from Leeann? "Always remember that struggle is part of the process. So, when you find yourself struggling, remember - that struggle is what is pushing you towards your success. No one achieves any success without struggle. Embrace the struggle!" |