In our previous blog posts, we took a look at active daylighting systems that can work to help the City of Boston achieve its goal of becoming carbon-free by 2050. Today we look at the energy-saving power of Halcyon Shades, which can integrate with Somfy’s Animeo system, and discuss their possibilities for improving energy efficiency in the context of Boston’s ambitious goal.
Energy Efficiency
To begin, we must note the energy efficiency that Halcyon Shades enable. Halcyon shades reduce 99.9% of harmful UV rays, reflect 80% of solar heat gain, and reduce glare by 97%, providing a return on investment in as little as two years in energy savings. By deriving figures from the Department of Energy’s EQUEST energy modeling software, Halcyon Shades have been shown to save 10 – 25% on a building’s energy spend. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories has confirmed that the metalized polyester material used in the shades can reflect energy, preventing it from penetrating into the building. In addition to this, Halcyon shades are eco-friendly, with third-party verification confirming that these shades contain no PVC, PFCs, VOCs, formaldehyde or antimicrobials. They also meet NFPA 701 standards, reduce energy spend, and reduce carbon emissions.

Furthermore, Halcyon shades can be integrated into a Somfy Animeo daylighting solution. By combining Animeo’s intelligent building controls, motor controls, local controls, and a full array of sensors and additional accessories with Halcyon’s energy-efficient shades, any building owner, developer, or manager can increase energy efficiency by decreasing HVAC demand and electricity needed for lighting. This allows electrical energy to be diverted elsewhere in the city where it is needed more.
Somfy Animeo & Halcyon Shades
As discussed in our previous blog post, Animeo is able to adjust shades automatically based on the sun’s position and glass façade orientation, taking into account shadow management and real-time weather conditions. It also allows for easy manual override, giving building managers and occupants control over nearby shades. When Halcyon’s energy-saving shades are integrated with the sustainable and scalable Animeo solution, energy usage and costs are drastically reduced, allowing for a building’s electricity to be redirected to a place it can be more efficiently used. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that implementing such shades and systems into Boston’s new and existing buildings will dramatically aid in the city’s goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.